如何传递一个控制器变量作为AngularJS $资源请求的参数?(How to pass a controller variable as a parameter for a AngularJS $resource request?)

我是angularjs的新手,我认为这应该是一件简单的事情,但我无法完成它。 基本上我需要的是从一个服务获取一个变量并将其作为GET请求中的参数传递。 为此,我使用ngResource模块。


这就是为什么我需要获取该变量,将其传递给控制器​​并使用服务中的param定义在此控制器中生成$ resource请求。





    return $resource('',{licorera:2},{isArray:true});         


    var pk=0;

    function getPk(){
        return pk;

    function setPk(newpk){



在视图中,我使用ng-repeat指令迭代$ scope.licores数组。

<li ng-repeat="licor in licores"> 
  <img src="{{licor.imagen}}"/>     
  <table align="center"> 
    <tr><td >{{licor.marca|uppercase}}</td></tr>
    <tr><td >Tamaño</td><td >{{licor.tamano}}</td></tr>
            <span >$ {{licor.precio}}</span>

问题似乎是LicoresService.query()函数没有更新视图。 因此我认为每次$ scope.pk变量改变其值时我都需要调用该函数。 但我不知道该怎么做。

I am new in angularjs and I think this should be a simple thing to do but I could not accomplish it. Basically what I need is to get a variable from an service and pass it as a parameter in a GET request. For this I am using the ngResource module.

The variable I get from the Service may change and what i need , likewise, is to change the url that made the request as well as the data that would render and be show in the view.

That's why i need to get that variable, pass it to a controller and make the $resource request in this controller with the param define in the service.

This is my controller:




    return $resource('',{licorera:2},{isArray:true});         

And CategoriaService (from this one, i get the variable that i need to pass as a param for the request)

    var pk=0;

    function getPk(){
        return pk;

    function setPk(newpk){



In the view i use the ng-repeat directive to iterate through the $scope.licores array.

<li ng-repeat="licor in licores"> 
  <img src="{{licor.imagen}}"/>     
  <table align="center"> 
    <tr><td >{{licor.marca|uppercase}}</td></tr>
    <tr><td >Tamaño</td><td >{{licor.tamano}}</td></tr>
            <span >$ {{licor.precio}}</span>

The problem seems to be that the LicoresService.query() function is not updating the view. So I think that i need to call that function every time that the $scope.pk variable change his value. But i don´t know how to do it.

2024-04-23 17:04



客户端:1。Cookie 2. Querystring




You can all conventional data transfer method which are available in ASP.net

Client Side: 1. Cookie 2. Querystring

Server side: 1. Sessions

For more information on these see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/75x4ha6s.aspx

Thanks, Ashwani



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