C - 构建动态分配的指针数组,指向填充了文件输入的结构(C - Build dynamically allocated array of pointers to structures filled with input from file)

我需要构建一个指向动态分配结构(DBrecord)的指针数组,并用另一个文件的输入填充该数组。 不知道如何处理这个问题。



lastName firstName studentID year gpa expGradYear



Doe John 12345678 senior 3.14159 2015



typedef enum {firstYear, sophomore, junior, senior, grad} class;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "class.h"

int main(){

//DBrecord is name for structure
struct DBrecord{
int DBrecordID;     //ID for each entry, range 0-319
char *last;         //student last name
char *first;        //student first name
char studentID[8];  //student ID
int age;            //student age
class year;         //year in school
float gpa;          //GPA
int expGradYear;    //expected graduation year
int numEntries;     //total number of entries, first num in data file
struct DBrecord **ptrToDB;

//scan first int in data file and assign to numEntries
scanf("%d", &numEntries);

//allocate memory for structures, each is 36 bytes
*ptrToDB = malloc (sizeof(struct DBrecord) * numEntries);

//free allocated memory

//build an array of pointers to dynamically allocated structures
//fill that array with input from data file

//build 7 arrays of pointers to DBrecords, one for each field except DB ID
//sort each a different way
//note the 7 arrays are pointers, no copying

//print each of the 7 sorted arrays

return 0;

I need to build an array of pointers to dynamically allocated structures (DBrecord) and fill that array with input from another file. Not sure how to approach this.

The data file will have the number of entries first, followed by entries in a specific order.


lastName firstName studentID year gpa expGradYear



Doe John 12345678 senior 3.14159 2015

Here's the code I have so far:


typedef enum {firstYear, sophomore, junior, senior, grad} class;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "class.h"

int main(){

//DBrecord is name for structure
struct DBrecord{
int DBrecordID;     //ID for each entry, range 0-319
char *last;         //student last name
char *first;        //student first name
char studentID[8];  //student ID
int age;            //student age
class year;         //year in school
float gpa;          //GPA
int expGradYear;    //expected graduation year
int numEntries;     //total number of entries, first num in data file
struct DBrecord **ptrToDB;

//scan first int in data file and assign to numEntries
scanf("%d", &numEntries);

//allocate memory for structures, each is 36 bytes
*ptrToDB = malloc (sizeof(struct DBrecord) * numEntries);

//free allocated memory

//build an array of pointers to dynamically allocated structures
//fill that array with input from data file

//build 7 arrays of pointers to DBrecords, one for each field except DB ID
//sort each a different way
//note the 7 arrays are pointers, no copying

//print each of the 7 sorted arrays

return 0;

2023-11-23 10:11


当你有多个链接在一起的elsif / elsif块时,只有其中一个会运行,并且第一个具有真实条件的块将被运行。 所以,块的顺序很重要。 例如:

if true
  puts 'this code will run'
elsif true
  puts 'this code will not run'

即使这些块的条件都是真的,只有第一个运行。 如果你想让两者都运行,使用两个独立的if块,如下所示:

if true
  puts 'this code will run'

if true
  puts 'this code will also run'

When you have multiple if/elsif blocks chained together, only one of them will run, and the first block to have a true condition will be the one to be run. So, the order of the blocks matters. For example:

if true
  puts 'this code will run'
elsif true
  puts 'this code will not run'

Even though the conditions for those blocks are both true, only the first one is run. If you want to have both run, use two separate if blocks, like this:

if true
  puts 'this code will run'

if true
  puts 'this code will also run'



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这种评估叫做短路 。 一旦结果是100%清楚,它不会继续评估。 这实际上是一种常见的编程技术。 例如,在C ++中,你会经常看到: if (pX!=null && pX->predicate()) { bla bla bla } 如果您更改了条件的顺序,则可以调用空指针和崩溃方法。 当有一个指向该结构体的指针时,C中类似的示例将使用结构体的字段。 你可以做类似的事情: if(px==null || pX->isEmpty()} { bla bla bla } 这也是在if条件下避免副作用通常是...

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当你有多个链接在一起的elsif / elsif块时,只有其中一个会运行,并且第一个具有真实条件的块将被运行。 所以,块的顺序很重要。 例如: if true puts 'this code will run' elsif true puts 'this code will not run' end 即使这些块的条件都是真的,只有第一个运行。 如果你想让两者都运行,使用两个独立的if块,如下所示: if true puts 'this code will run' end if t...

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正如你所说的,将"[geoip][timezone]" => "unknown"添加到所有事件中。 这意味着if !([timezone] in [geoip]) 。 我想这个检查字段timezone (不是geoip.timezone )是否与字段geoip具有相同的值。 因此[timezone] in [geoip]测试中的[timezone] in [geoip]始终评估为false,因此所有事件都会得到"[geoip][timezone]" => "unknown" 。 要测试一个字段是否...

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将diff文件复制到存储库的根目录,然后执行以下操作: git apply yourcoworkers.diff 有关apply命令的更多信息, apply 见其手册页 。 顺便说一下:一个更好的方法是通过文件交换整个提交文件是发送者上的命令git format-patch ,然后在接收器上加上git am ,因为它也传送作者信息和提交信息。 如果修补程序应用程序失败,并且生成diff的提交实际上在您的备份中,则可以使用尝试在更改中合并的apply程序的-3选项。 它还适用于Unix管道,如下

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尝试将第二行更改为snprintf(buf1, sizeof buf1, "%.2f", balance1); 。 另外,为什么要声明用该特定表达式分配缓冲区的存储量? EDIT @LưuVĩnhPhúc在下面的评论中提到我的原始答案中的格式说明符将舍入而不是截断,因此根据如何在不使用C舍入的情况下截断小数,您可以执行以下操作: float balance = 200.56866; int tmp = balance1 * 100; float balance1 = tmp / 100.0; c

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要在生产服务器中调试这个,你可以临时放 error_reporting(E_ALL); 并查看有哪些其他错误阻止正确的重定向。 您还应该检查生产服务器发送的响应标头。 它是否具有“缓存”,是否需要重新验证标头等 to debug this in production server, you can temporary put error_reporting(E_ALL); and see what other errors are there that prevents the proper



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你是对的。 第一次输入后,换行符将保留在输入缓冲区中。 第一次读取后尝试插入: cin.ignore(); // to ignore the newline character 或者更好的是: //discards all input in the standard input stream up to and including the first newline. cin.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); 您必须为#inc

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EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT '||field_val_temp ||' FROM tableb WHERE function_id = :func_val AND rec_key = :rec_key' INTO field_val USING 'STDCUSAC' , yu.rec_key; 和, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE tablec SET field_val_'||i||' = :field_val' USI