如何让我的程序返回密码强度(How can i get my program to return the password strength)

我正在努力使用我的密码评估程序。 我怎样才能确保当我插入密码时,我的程序会返回密码强度。 当我运行这个程序时,它说password_strength存储在.....)是我在程序结束时调用的返回错误吗?

print ("Welcome to this password rater program")
print ("Your password needs to have a minimum of 6 characters with a maximum of 20 characters.")
print ("Your password can contain lowercase and uppercase characters, numbers and special characters")

password = input("Please insert your password: ")

def check_len(password):
    l = len(password)
    if 6 < l < 20:
        x = check_char(password, l)
        x =  0
    return x

def check_char(password, l):
    for i in range(l):
        ascii = ord(password[i])
        num = 0                                
        upper = 0                               
        symbols = 0
        lower = 0
        space = 0

        if  96 < ascii < 123:      
            lower = 15
        elif 47 < ascii < 58:     
            num = 25
        elif 64 < ascii < 91:     
            upper = 25
        elif ascii == 32:
            space = 30
            symbols = 25
        total = ((lower + num + upper + space + symbols) * len(password))
    return total

def password_strength(total):
    if total >= 1000:
        print("Your chosen password is Very strong")
    elif 700 < total < 999:
        print("Your chosen password is strong")
    elif 500 < total < 699:
        print("your chosen password is medium")
    elif total <= 500:
        print("Your chosen password is weak")
    return total

strength = check_len(password)

I'm struggling with my password rater program. How can i make sure that when i insert a password, my program returns the password strength. When i run this program it says that password_strength is stored at .....) is the return that i call at the end of my program wrong?

print ("Welcome to this password rater program")
print ("Your password needs to have a minimum of 6 characters with a maximum of 20 characters.")
print ("Your password can contain lowercase and uppercase characters, numbers and special characters")

password = input("Please insert your password: ")

def check_len(password):
    l = len(password)
    if 6 < l < 20:
        x = check_char(password, l)
        x =  0
    return x

def check_char(password, l):
    for i in range(l):
        ascii = ord(password[i])
        num = 0                                
        upper = 0                               
        symbols = 0
        lower = 0
        space = 0

        if  96 < ascii < 123:      
            lower = 15
        elif 47 < ascii < 58:     
            num = 25
        elif 64 < ascii < 91:     
            upper = 25
        elif ascii == 32:
            space = 30
            symbols = 25
        total = ((lower + num + upper + space + symbols) * len(password))
    return total

def password_strength(total):
    if total >= 1000:
        print("Your chosen password is Very strong")
    elif 700 < total < 999:
        print("Your chosen password is strong")
    elif 500 < total < 699:
        print("your chosen password is medium")
    elif total <= 500:
        print("Your chosen password is weak")
    return total

strength = check_len(password)

2021-12-22 16:12




My colleague solved my problem and I hope this will help others!




我应该如何使用jcrop在客户端裁剪图像并上传它?(How should I crop the image at client side using jcrop and upload it?)

Seahorsepip的回答非常棒。 我在非备用答案上做了很多改进。 http://jsfiddle.net/w1Lh4w2t/ 我会建议不要做那种奇怪的隐藏png的东西,当一个Image对象工作的时候也一样(只要我们不支持后备)。 var jcrop_api; var canvas; var context; var image; var prefsize; 尽管如此,尽管如此,最好还是将最终的数据从画布中提取出来,然后放在该字段中。 function loadImage(input) { ...

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您如何使用git diff文件,并将其应用于同一存储库的副本的本地分支?(How do you take a git diff file, and apply it to a local branch that is a copy of the same repository?)

将diff文件复制到存储库的根目录,然后执行以下操作: git apply yourcoworkers.diff 有关apply命令的更多信息, apply 见其手册页 。 顺便说一下:一个更好的方法是通过文件交换整个提交文件是发送者上的命令git format-patch ,然后在接收器上加上git am ,因为它也传送作者信息和提交信息。 如果修补程序应用程序失败,并且生成diff的提交实际上在您的备份中,则可以使用尝试在更改中合并的apply程序的-3选项。 它还适用于Unix管道,如下

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尝试将第二行更改为snprintf(buf1, sizeof buf1, "%.2f", balance1); 。 另外,为什么要声明用该特定表达式分配缓冲区的存储量? EDIT @LưuVĩnhPhúc在下面的评论中提到我的原始答案中的格式说明符将舍入而不是截断,因此根据如何在不使用C舍入的情况下截断小数,您可以执行以下操作: float balance = 200.56866; int tmp = balance1 * 100; float balance1 = tmp / 100.0; c

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