处理非常大的expand.grid?(Dealing with very large expand.grid?)

我给了31个二元变量,为了简单起见,我们称它们为x_1, ..., x_31

每个X_i = c(0, 1)

我需要构建一个选项树。 我为此使用了expand.grid,但是我的服务器抛出一个错误:

错误:无法分配大小为16.0 Gb的向量。


使用sparsify会提供相同的错误消息,但使用8 Gb


I am given 31 binary variables, for simplicity let's call them x_1, ..., x_31.

Each X_i = c(0, 1).

I need to build a tree of options. I have used expand.grid for this but my server throws an error:

Error: cannot allocate vector of size 16.0 Gb.

I am aware that I can sparsify this but how can I deal with the large size?

Using sparsify gives the same error message but with 8 Gb.

Please advise.

2024-04-23 19:04



    count(ItemNumber) as TotalItems,
    count(case when ItemStatus='Red' then ItemNumber  end) as RedItems,
    count(case when ItemStatus='Blue' then ItemNumber  end) as BlueItems
FROM Things
GROUP BY ThingName;



You can simplify things using conditional aggregation:

    count(ItemNumber) as TotalItems,
    count(case when ItemStatus='Red' then ItemNumber  end) as RedItems,
    count(case when ItemStatus='Blue' then ItemNumber  end) as BlueItems
FROM Things
GROUP BY ThingName;

Hence, instead of using a subquery that uses a CASE expression to get count of Total, Red, Blue items, use the CASE expression directly inside the aggregate function, COUNT in this case.

Demo here



如何在postgres中进行条件聚合?(How to do conditional aggregation in postgres?)

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