如何更改Xcode 4用于下载组件的Apple ID?(How can I change the Apple ID that Xcode 4 uses to download components?)

我在OS X 10.6.8上运行Xcode 4.2。

由于公司政策,我有两个苹果公司的ID。 me@bigcorp.com是我的“工作”ID,这是连接到我的iOS开发者计划会员资格的ID。 我也有me@personalmail.com ,我的“个人”ID,这与我的音乐,愤怒的小鸟下载等相关联。

我正在尝试从Xcode(Xcode - >首选项 - >下载 - >组件)中安装iOS 4.3模拟器。 当我点击该组件旁边的“安装”按钮时,Xcode抱怨说me@personalmail.com不是“注册的Apple开发人员”。 我想让它使用me@bigcorp.com ,但我找不到任何描述如何更改它,在Xcode或其他方式的任何参考。 任何人都可以解释如何击败Xcode提交?

I am running Xcode 4.2 on OS X 10.6.8.

Due to corporate policy, I have two Apple ID's. me@bigcorp.com is my "work" ID, and that's the ID that is connected to my iOS Developer Program membership. I also have me@personalmail.com, my "personal" ID, which is associated with my music, Angry Birds download, and so on.

I'm trying to install the iOS 4.3 Simulator from within Xcode (Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Components). When I click the "install" button next to that component, Xcode complains that me@personalmail.com is not a "Registered Apple Developer". I'd like to have it use me@bigcorp.com, but I can't find any reference anywhere that describes how to change it, within Xcode or otherwise. Can anyone explain how to beat Xcode into submission?

2023-01-09 21:01


除非是一个流程,否则我不会在一个场景中这样做。 我不会去xyz.com,我也不会点击,因为那不是'行为。 页面对象将帮助您。

Scenario: Register a new account
Given I do not have an account
When I register a new account
Then I can use those credentials to access the site


Given(/^I do not have an account%/) do
  @credentials = get_unique_credentials
  @browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox

When(/^I register a new account$/) do
  visit RegistrationPage do |page|
    page.name = @credentials[0]
    page.password = @credentials[1]

Then(/^I can use those credentials to access the site$/) do
  visit LoginPage do |page|
    page.name = @credentials[0]
    page.password = @credentials[1]
  on HomePage do |page|
    expect(page.something).to exist

I would not do that in one scenario unless it is one flow. And I wouldn't go to xyz.com, and I wouldn't click on things because that isn't 'behavior. Page objects will help you.

Scenario: Register a new account
Given I do not have an account
When I register a new account
Then I can use those credentials to access the site

Then I'd create appropriate steps

Given(/^I do not have an account%/) do
  @credentials = get_unique_credentials
  @browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox

When(/^I register a new account$/) do
  visit RegistrationPage do |page|
    page.name = @credentials[0]
    page.password = @credentials[1]

Then(/^I can use those credentials to access the site$/) do
  visit LoginPage do |page|
    page.name = @credentials[0]
    page.password = @credentials[1]
  on HomePage do |page|
    expect(page.something).to exist



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我不确定我完全明白你在说什么。 你能编辑你的帖子并包含你正在做的Subversion命令/操作的特定顺序吗? 最好使用命令行svn客户端,以便容易为其他人重现问题。 如果您只是想获取文件的旧副本(即使该文件不再存在),您可以使用如下命令: svn copy ${repo}/trunk/moduleA/file1@${rev} ${repo}/trunk/moduleB/file1 其中${repo}是您的存储库的URL, ${rev}是您想要的文件的版本。 这将恢复该文件的旧版本,包括最高版本