Google App Engine Cloud中会重置最终的静态变量(final static variables are reset in Google App Engine Cloud)

我有一个GWT + GAE网络应用程序,有几个服务和模块。 我正在使用mvp4g的模块功能。 我所有的服务扩展到:

public abstract class BaseServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet {
 protected final static Map USERS = new HashMap();

我使用USERS来存储我当前的活动用户会话。 一旦我用户认证自己,我将他的会话ID存储为地图的关键字。

protected String getSessionId() {
    return getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getId();

public String authenticate(String username, String password) {
   String id = getSessionId();
   synchronized( this ) {    
       users.put(id, user);


protected boolean validUserSession() {  
    if(getThreadLocalRequest() == null) {
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Thread is null");
     return false;
 } else if(getThreadLocalRequest().getSession() == null) {
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Session is null");
     return false;
 String id = getSessionId();
 UserJDO user = (UserJDO) users.get(id);
 if(user==null) {   
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "User is null");
     return false;
 return true;

我启用了会话。 接下来我发布appengine-web.xml的最后几行


在开发服务器中一切正常。 但是,当我将它部署到谷歌应用引擎云时, 用户变量会针对每个请求进行重置。

任何人都可以解释我发生了什么? 我应该如何继续? 我应该将用户会话存储在数据存储中吗?

I have a GWT+GAE web app with several service and modules. I am using the module functionlity of mvp4g. All of my services extends:

public abstract class BaseServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet {
 protected final static Map USERS = new HashMap();

I use USERS to store my current active user sessions. Once I user authenticates himself I store his session id as a key of the map.

protected String getSessionId() {
    return getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getId();

public String authenticate(String username, String password) {
   String id = getSessionId();
   synchronized( this ) {    
       users.put(id, user);

For every request, I check if the user session is still valid.

protected boolean validUserSession() {  
    if(getThreadLocalRequest() == null) {
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Thread is null");
     return false;
 } else if(getThreadLocalRequest().getSession() == null) {
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Session is null");
     return false;
 String id = getSessionId();
 UserJDO user = (UserJDO) users.get(id);
 if(user==null) {   
     logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "User is null");
     return false;
 return true;

I have sessions enabled. Next I post the last lines of appengine-web.xml


Everything works fine in the Development server. However, when I deploy it to the google app engine cloud the users variable is reset for every request.

Can anyone explain me what it is happening? How should I proceed? Should I store the user sessions in the datastore?

2024-04-22 22:04


while true; do foo; sleep 2; done


$ while true
> do
>    echo "hello"
>    sleep 2
> done
$ <arrow up> while true; do    echo "hello";    sleep 2; done

while true; do foo; sleep 2; done

By the way, if you type it as a multiline (as you are showing) at the command prompt and then call the history with arrow up, you will get it on a single line, correctly punctuated.

$ while true
> do
>    echo "hello"
>    sleep 2
> done
$ <arrow up> while true; do    echo "hello";    sleep 2; done



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