Haskell做语法和I / O.(Haskell do syntax and I/O)


hello :: String -> String
hello s = "Hello, " ++ (trim s) ++ "!\n"

trim :: String -> String
trim [] = []
trim s = head $ words s

main :: IO()
main = do putStr "\nPlease enter your name: "
          name <- getLine
          hstring <- return $ hello name
          putStr hstring


Please enter your name: John Doe
Hello, John!

当我将程序加载到ghci时,这可以正常工作。 但是当我使用编译程序时

ghc -o hello.exe hello.hs


John Doe
Please enter your name: Hello, John!



I was playing around with a simple program in Haskell:

hello :: String -> String
hello s = "Hello, " ++ (trim s) ++ "!\n"

trim :: String -> String
trim [] = []
trim s = head $ words s

main :: IO()
main = do putStr "\nPlease enter your name: "
          name <- getLine
          hstring <- return $ hello name
          putStr hstring

This is the output I am expecting:

Please enter your name: John Doe
Hello, John!

This works as expected when I load the program into ghci. However when I compile the program using

ghc -o hello.exe hello.hs

it starts, waits for input, and then prints both prompts at the same time:

John Doe
Please enter your name: Hello, John!

Why is the behavior different between the interactive environment and compiler, and how can I make the compiler do what I want?

Thanks in advance for the help!

2024-02-10 14:02





You should add the attribute


to you activity in AndroidManifest.xml



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如果您在活动启动时有一个EditText焦点,Android会自动打开OnScreenKeyboard。 您可以通过将以下内容添加到您的Activity的onCreate方法中来防止这种情况。 getWindow().setSoftInputMode( WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_ALWAYS_HIDDEN); Android opens the OnScreenKeyboard automatically if you ha...

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我认为这是一个错误或功能,它试图向您展示整个活动,而不是先用软键盘遮掩它。 我曾经搜索过一次有关这方面的信息,但不幸的是没有发现任何来自真正可靠的来源。 无论如何,要显示软键盘,你可以这样做: EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.edit_text_id); InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)...

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您还可以为活动添加标记,这将自动显示键盘 <activity name="package.ActivityName" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible"/> 如果您希望在活动启动时应用焦点,这将非常有用 你也可以在片段中使用: InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getActivity().getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm....

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