为什么这个简单算法T(n / 2)+1的最坏情况时间复杂度与n ^ 2 + T(n-1)相反?(Why is the worst case time complexity of this simple algorithm T(n/2) +1 as opposed to n^2+T(n-1)?)


以下问题是关于大学最近的任务。 我原以为答案是n ^ 2 + T(n-1)因为我认为n ^ 2会使它的渐近时间复杂度为O(n ^ 2)。 与T(n / 2)+1一样,其渐近时间复杂度为O(log2(n))。

答案被返回,结果是正确的答案是T(n / 2)+1然而我无法理解为什么会这样。

有人可能会向我解释为什么这个算法的最坏情况时间复杂度? 我对时间复杂性的理解可能是错误的。

enter image description here

The following question was on a recent assignment in University. I would have thought the answer would be n^2+T(n-1) as I thought the n^2 would make it's asymptotic time complexity O(n^2). Where as with T(n/2)+1 its asymptotic time complexity would be O(log2(n)).

The answers were returned and it turns out the correct answer is T(n/2)+1 however I can't get my head around why this is the case.

Could someone possibly explain to me why that's the worst case time complexity of this algorithm? It's possible my understanding of time complexity is just wrong.

2024-04-22 21:04




    function(glmatrix) {
        var myModule = function() {};
        // use glmatrix.vec3, etc here
        return myModule;


I use glmatrix too with require.js, the most recent version has require.js support and for me it seems to work fine.

I have however I slightly different usage with require.js, my modules usually start like this:

    function(glmatrix) {
        var myModule = function() {};
        // use glmatrix.vec3, etc here
        return myModule;

Does this work for you?



如何一起使用requireJS和jQuery?(How do I use requireJS and jQuery together?)

这也是我的确切问题! 我也必须使用一个较旧的jQuery,而且还有更多的“传统”JavaScript库。 最好的技术是什么? (我可以编辑你的问题,使它更广泛,如果你不介意。)这是我学到的。 RequireJS作者James Burke解释了RequireJS + jQuery文件组合的优点 。 你得到两件事 一个模块jquery是可用的,它是jQuery对象。 这是安全的: // My module depends on jQuery but what if $ was overwritten?...

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glMatrix不工作?(glMatrix not working?)

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否(它不会使它们无法访问),是(您可以在没有停机的情况下运行它)。 sp_updatestats可以在没有停机的情况下针对实时数据库运行。 No (it doesn't make them inaccessible), and Yes (you can run it without downtime). sp_updatestats can be run against a live database without downtime.

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