使用MEF时是否有任何棱镜“后构建”事件或方法?(Are there any Prism “Post-build” Event or method while using MEF?)



I have 4+ imported properties in a class and some code that needs at least 4 properties to execute

Are there any PRISM or MEF events that would help instead of putting notify on each setter and then checking for nulls ?

2024-03-26 15:03


我发现的第一个也是最明显的错误是命令“add + = parseFloat(this.value);” 不起作用。


function calculateRow() {
   var add = 0;
   $(".qty").each(function() {
       add += parseFloat($(this).val()); // <-- changed from this.value
       if (isNaN(add)) {
       } else {


$('#detail').on('keyup', '.qty', calculateRow());

$('#detail').on('keyup', '.qty', calculateRow);

Tthe first and most obvious error I found was that the command "add += parseFloat(this.value);" does not work.

The correct functions would be the following:

function calculateRow() {
   var add = 0;
   $(".qty").each(function() {
       add += parseFloat($(this).val()); // <-- changed from this.value
       if (isNaN(add)) {
       } else {

You also have to change the following row from

$('#detail').on('keyup', '.qty', calculateRow());


$('#detail').on('keyup', '.qty', calculateRow);



根据动态添加的字段计算值(Calculating values based on dynamically added fields)

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我发现的第一个也是最明显的错误是命令“add + = parseFloat(this.value);” 不起作用。 正确的功能如下: function calculateRow() { alert("GAYA"); console.log("2"); var add = 0; $(".qty").each(function() { add += parseFloat($(this).val()); // <-- changed from this.value ...

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请尝试以下方法: $messages = $user->contact_messages()->paginate(10); Try the following: $messages = $user->contact_messages()->paginate(10);



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它创建了这些视图: 'auth/login.blade.php', 'auth/register.blade.php', 'auth/passwords/email.blade.php', 'auth/passwords/reset.blade.php', 'layouts/app.blade.php', 'home.blade.php' 并修改这些文件: 'Http/Controllers/HomeController.php', 'routes/web.php' 如果使用--views

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