你是否模糊了商业Java代码?(Do you obfuscate your commercial Java code? [closed])

我想知道有没有人在自己的商业产品上使用商业/免费的java混淆器。 我只知道一个实际上在蚂蚁构建步骤中发生混淆的项目。

你模糊吗 如果是这样,为什么你会混淆?


编辑:好的,我确切地说,关于我的观点:你是否混淆了保护你的IP(你的算法,你放在你的产品中的工作)? 出于安全考虑,我不会混淆,那感觉不对。 所以我只是在谈论保护您的应用程序代码与竞争对手。


远离链接代码流的原因是,其中一些更改使得JVM无法有效地优化代码。 实际上它实际上会降低应用程序的性能。

I wonder if anyone uses commercial/free java obfuscators on his own commercial product. I know only about one project that actually had an obfuscating step in the ant build step for releases.

Do you obfuscate? And if so, why do you obfuscate?

Is it really a way to protect the code or is it just a better feeling for the developers/managers?

edit: Ok, I to be exact about my point: Do you obfuscate to protect your IP (your algorithms, the work you've put into your product)? I won't obfuscate for security reasons, that doesn't feel right. So I'm only talking about protecting your applications code against competitors.

@staffan has a good point:

The reason to stay away from chaining code flow is that some of those changes makes it impossible for the JVM to efficiently optimize the code. In effect it will actually degrade the performance of your application.

2024-01-19 22:01



    if (_masterBirdSightingList == newValue) return;
//  NSMutableArray* oldValue = _masterBirdSightingList;
    _masterBirdSightingList = [newValue copy];
//  [oldValue release];    // <-- not applicable in ARC.


[self setMasterBirdSightingList:sightingList];


“分配给另一个空间以保存来自sightingList的内容”的东西是通过-copy方法完成的。 将参数传递给setter的newValue参数的方式无关紧要。

编辑 :正如注释中提到的@David一样 ,可变类型的-copy方法返回一个不可变对象。 您必须覆盖setter才能调用-mutableCopy 。 请参阅使用可变对象的Obj-C 2.0属性的最佳方法是什么,例如NSMutableArray?

In Objective-C, the copy attribute in a property means the setter synthesized will look like this:

    if (_masterBirdSightingList == newValue) return;
//  NSMutableArray* oldValue = _masterBirdSightingList;
    _masterBirdSightingList = [newValue copy];
//  [oldValue release];    // <-- not applicable in ARC.

and that dot syntax will always be translated to

[self setMasterBirdSightingList:sightingList];

regardless of the attribute of the property.

The "allocated for another space to preserve stuffs from sightingList" stuff is done via the -copy method. The way you pass the argument to the setter's newValue parameter is irrelevant.

Edit: As @David mentioned in the comment, the -copy method of a mutable type returns an immutable object. You have to override the setter to call -mutableCopy instead. See What's the best way to use Obj-C 2.0 Properties with mutable objects, such as NSMutableArray?.



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我相信这个解决方案很差。 考虑这个: 线程#1调用count并被告知数组中有4个对象。 数组是不同步的。 线程#2调用数组上的removeObjectAtIndex:2 。 数组是不同步的。 线程#1调用objectAtIndex:3并发生错误。 相反,您需要更高级别的锁定机制,其中锁定在步骤1和5的数组周围,并且线程#2无法删除这些步骤之间的对象。 I believe this solution is poor. Consider this: thread #1 calls count and ...

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你应该做一个deepCopy,我使用这个并且完美地工作,由Sherm Pendley†制作 。 You should do a deepCopy, i use this one and works perfectly, made by Sherm Pendley †.



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