在MySQL中查找'免费'时间(Finding 'free' times in MySQL)


mysql> DESCRIBE student_lectures;
| Field            | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id               | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| course_module_id | int(11)  | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
| day              | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| start            | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| end              | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| cancelled_at     | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| lecture_type_id  | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| lecture_id       | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| student_id       | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| created_at       | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| updated_at       | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

我基本上想找到一次演讲没有发生的时间 - 所以要做到这一点,我正在考虑将重叠讲座分组在一起(例如,上午9点 - 10点和上午10点 - 上午11点的演讲将显示为单班9 am-11am讲座)。 可能会有两个以上的讲座背靠背。


SELECT l.start, l2.end
FROM student_lectures l
LEFT JOIN student_lectures l2 ON ( l2.start = l.end )
WHERE l.student_id = 1 AND l.start >= '2010-04-26 09:00:00' AND l.end <= '2010-04-30 19:00:00' AND l2.end IS NOT NULL AND l2.end != l.start
GROUP BY l.start, l2.end
ORDER BY l.start, l2.start


| start               | end                 |
| 2010-04-26 09:00:00 | 2010-04-26 11:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 10:00:00 | 2010-04-26 12:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 10:00:00 | 2010-04-26 13:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 13:15:00 | 2010-04-26 16:15:00 |
| 2010-04-26 14:15:00 | 2010-04-26 16:15:00 |
| 2010-04-26 15:15:00 | 2010-04-26 17:15:00 |
| 2010-04-26 16:15:00 | 2010-04-26 18:15:00 |


| start               | end                 |
| 2010-04-26 09:00:00 | 2010-04-26 13:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 13:15:00 | 2010-04-26 18:15:00 |


I've got a table as follows:

mysql> DESCRIBE student_lectures;
| Field            | Type     | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id               | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| course_module_id | int(11)  | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |
| day              | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| start            | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| end              | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| cancelled_at     | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| lecture_type_id  | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| lecture_id       | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| student_id       | int(11)  | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| created_at       | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| updated_at       | datetime | YES  |     | NULL    |                |

I'm essentially wanting to find times when a lecture doesn't happen - so to do this I'm thinking a query to group overlapping lectures together (so, for example, 9am-10am and 10am-11am lectures will be shown as a single 9am-11am lecture). There may be more than two lectures back-to-back.

I've currently got this:

SELECT l.start, l2.end
FROM student_lectures l
LEFT JOIN student_lectures l2 ON ( l2.start = l.end )
WHERE l.student_id = 1 AND l.start >= '2010-04-26 09:00:00' AND l.end <= '2010-04-30 19:00:00' AND l2.end IS NOT NULL AND l2.end != l.start
GROUP BY l.start, l2.end
ORDER BY l.start, l2.start

Which returns:

| start               | end                 |
| 2010-04-26 09:00:00 | 2010-04-26 11:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 10:00:00 | 2010-04-26 12:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 10:00:00 | 2010-04-26 13:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 13:15:00 | 2010-04-26 16:15:00 |
| 2010-04-26 14:15:00 | 2010-04-26 16:15:00 |
| 2010-04-26 15:15:00 | 2010-04-26 17:15:00 |
| 2010-04-26 16:15:00 | 2010-04-26 18:15:00 |

The output I'm looking for from this would be:

| start               | end                 |
| 2010-04-26 09:00:00 | 2010-04-26 13:00:00 |
| 2010-04-26 13:15:00 | 2010-04-26 18:15:00 |

Any help appreciated, thanks!

2024-04-22 18:04



@user = User.find(params[:id])
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  flash[:notice] = "#No such record in User for id :: {params[:id]} on #{action_name}"


flash[:notice] = t('flash.recordnotfound',:class_name => self.class.name, :column_name => params[:id], :action_name => action_name)

现在在你的config/locales/en.yml (这有助于翻译,请参考i18n)

  recordnotfound:  "Sorry, no record od %{column_name} in class %{class_name} was found on you action %{action_name}"



写一个函数并在那里使用相同的flash [:notice]。 不要伤害。


这是一个快速的解决方案,我总是在我的观点中<%= params%> ,以便轻松了解最新情况以及最新消息。 然后,您可以打开rails控制台并播放不同的操作等。

user = User.new



Say for example,

@user = User.find(params[:id])
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  flash[:notice] = "#No such record in User for id :: {params[:id]} on #{action_name}"


flash[:notice] = t('flash.recordnotfound',:class_name => self.class.name, :column_name => params[:id], :action_name => action_name)

Now in your config/locales/en.yml (this would help translate, refer to i18n here)

  recordnotfound:  "Sorry, no record od %{column_name} in class %{class_name} was found on you action %{action_name}"

If you do not want to use locales just put up this information in flash[:notice] itself.

More dynamic ?

Write a function and use the same flash [:notice] there. Wont hurt at all.

want more data ?

Heres a quick solution, i always <%= params%> in my views to know easily whats going and whats coming. You can then open your rails console and play along with different actions and so on.

user = User.new

All of this is good enough data, i think.

Good luck.



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