使用嵌套子文档的$ unwind(Using $unwind with nested subdocuments)


     node: 'ST20'
                   TotCM: 300
                   Docsis20: 200
                   Docsis30: 100
                   TotCM: 250
                   Docsis20: 150
                   Docsis30: 100

     node: 'ST21'
                   TotCM: 200
                   Docsis20: 100
                   Docsis30: 100
                   TotCM: 100
                   Docsis20: 0
                   Docsis30: 100


如您所见,我有一个代表节点的文档。 每个节点都有不同的通道。 我的目标是看看每个频道有多少个有线电视。 从前面开始,我不知道每个节点中的通道。 所以我希望有这样的东西:

{ node: 'ST20', Ds: 699, TotCM: 300, Docsis20: 200, Docsis30:100 }
{ node: 'ST20', Ds: 705, TotCM: 250, Docsis20: 150, Docsis30:100 }
{ node: 'ST21', Ds: 651, TotCM: 200, Docsis20: 100, Docsis30:100 }
{ node: 'ST21', Ds: 699, TotCM: 100, Docsis20: 0,   Docsis30:100 }


{ $project: {_id:0,Ds:1,node:1}},
{ $unwind: "$Ds"}

但是我得到了原始文件。 而且,正如您所看到的,它们是嵌套文档而不是文档数组。 也许我不必使用$unwind ,还有另一种方法可以解决这个问题。 你能告诉我吗?

I have a collection with the following structure:

     node: 'ST20'
                   TotCM: 300
                   Docsis20: 200
                   Docsis30: 100
                   TotCM: 250
                   Docsis20: 150
                   Docsis30: 100

     node: 'ST21'
                   TotCM: 200
                   Docsis20: 100
                   Docsis30: 100
                   TotCM: 100
                   Docsis20: 0
                   Docsis30: 100


As you can see, I have a document that represents a node. Each node, has different channels. My objective is see how many cablemodems I have in each channel. From upfront, I don't know the channels that I have in each node. So I would like to have something like this:

{ node: 'ST20', Ds: 699, TotCM: 300, Docsis20: 200, Docsis30:100 }
{ node: 'ST20', Ds: 705, TotCM: 250, Docsis20: 150, Docsis30:100 }
{ node: 'ST21', Ds: 651, TotCM: 200, Docsis20: 100, Docsis30:100 }
{ node: 'ST21', Ds: 699, TotCM: 100, Docsis20: 0,   Docsis30:100 }

I tried the following query:

{ $project: {_id:0,Ds:1,node:1}},
{ $unwind: "$Ds"}

But I get the original document. And, as you can see, they are nested documents and not an array of documents. Maybe I don't have to use $unwind and there is another way to get this. Can you tell me?

2024-04-21 13:04


这是因为您需要对click事件应用更改。 因此,您可以添加此代码以在每次单击章节时调整视频大小(您可以添加一些延迟以确保获得正确的大小):

$('ul.nav-tabs a').click(function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
    $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');
  }, 500);




$(document).ready(function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
    $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');
  }, 500);
  $(window).resize(function() {
    var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
    $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');

  $('ul.nav-tabs a').click(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
      var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
      $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');
    }, 500);

/* Tools */

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  -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;

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/* Layout ================================================================================ */

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        <div id="2" class="tabs-container tab-pane fade">
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        <div id="3" class="tabs-container tab-pane fade">
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              <h2>Chapter 1</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit, illo vel neque sunt doloremque incidunt.</p>
            <a data-toggle="tab" href="#2">
              <h2>Chapter 2</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit, illo vel neque sunt, rerum doloremque incidunt laudantium aliquid itaque cum error nobis.</p>
            <a data-toggle="tab" href="#3">
              <h2>Chapter 3</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit.</p>
            <a data-toggle="tab" href="#4">
              <h2>Chapter 4</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit, illo vel neque sunt, rerum doloremque incidunt laudantium aliquid itaque.</p>

It's because you need to apply the change on the click event. So you may add this code to resize the video each time you click on a chapter (you may add some delay to be sure you get the correct size) :

$('ul.nav-tabs a').click(function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
    $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');
  }, 500);


You may also use $(document).ready function in order to be sure the resize code works well at page load.

Full code :

$(document).ready(function() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
    $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');
  }, 500);
  $(window).resize(function() {
    var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
    $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');

  $('ul.nav-tabs a').click(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
      var vidHeight = $('.video-container').height();
      $('.description').css('height', vidHeight + 'px');
    }, 500);

/* Tools */

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.slow-effect {
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  -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;

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/* Form Elements */

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          <div class="tools slow-effect"></div><video controls="" width="100%"><source src="https://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="test.ogg" type="video/ogg"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video>
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          <div class="tools slow-effect"></div><video controls="" width="100%"><source src="test.WEBM" type="video/mp4"> <source src="test.ogg" type="video/ogg"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video.</video>
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      <div class="col-md-3 description" id="style-1">
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              <h2>Chapter 1</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit, illo vel neque sunt doloremque incidunt.</p>
            <a data-toggle="tab" href="#2">
              <h2>Chapter 2</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit, illo vel neque sunt, rerum doloremque incidunt laudantium aliquid itaque cum error nobis.</p>
            <a data-toggle="tab" href="#3">
              <h2>Chapter 3</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit.</p>
            <a data-toggle="tab" href="#4">
              <h2>Chapter 4</h2>
              <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. A non velit, illo vel neque sunt, rerum doloremque incidunt laudantium aliquid itaque.</p>



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将z-index设置为.main-nav这将解决您的重叠问题 .main-nav { position:relative; z-index:9; } set z-index to .main-nav This will fix your overlaping issue .main-nav { position:relative; z-index:9; }

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这是因为模式规范"a"打开一个文件以便追加,文件指针在末尾。 如果您尝试从此处读取,则由于文件指针位于EOF,因此没有数据。 您应该打开"r+"进行阅读和写作。 如果在写入之前读取整个文件,则在写入更多数据时,文件指针将正确定位以追加。 如果这还不够,请探索ftell()和fseek()函数。 That is because the mode spec "a" opens a file for appending, with the file pointer at the end. If you

NFC提供什么样的带宽?(What Kind of Bandwidth does NFC Provide?)

支持空中接口的数据速率是一回事。 在消除协议开销,等待eeprom写入以及所有需要时间的其他内容之后,您看到的数据速率是完全不同的故事。 长话短说,从标签读取或进行对等传输时的实际数据速率峰值约为2.5千字节/秒。 取决于具体的标签或对等技术,它可能比这慢很多。 The supported data-rates of the air-interface are one thing. The data-rate that you see after removing protocol overhe

元素上的盒子阴影行为(box-shadow behaviour on elements)

它看起来像只在Windows上的Chrome的错误。 我在Google Canary (Chrome 63)中也进行了测试,问题依然存在,所以有可能它不会很快修复。 这个问题是由overflow: auto引起的overflow: auto ,在你的情况下,它可以很容易地通过删除或设置为可见(默认)来解决。 但是 ,将鼠标悬停在右侧(顶部和底部)时,会出现滚动条。 一个解决方案可以设置overflow: hidden的身体,所以预期的结果是所需的。 我想指出,这不是一个很好的解决方案,但我建议暂

Laravel检查是否存在记录(Laravel Checking If a Record Exists)

这取决于您是否要以后与用户合作,或仅检查是否存在。 如果要使用用户对象(如果存在): $user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->first(); if ($user === null) { // user doesn't exist } 如果你只想检查 if (User::where('email', '=', Input::get('email'))->count() > 0) { // user found

设置base64图像的大小javascript - angularjs(set size of a base64 image javascript - angularjs)

$scope.getData= function () { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = $('input[type=file]')[0].files; var img = new Image(); img.src =(reader.onload[0].result); img.onload = function() { if(this.width > 640