在redis slave上由info命令列出的过期密钥数量与我看到的不一致(Number of expiring keys listed by info command on redis slave not consistent with what I see)

当我在redis-cli对redis 3.2.4服务器运行info命令时,它会显示我的到期时间:


但是,当我运行一个keys *命令并要求每个键的ttl ,并且只打印出ttl> 0的键时,我只看到几百个。


有人能够确切地澄清expires意味着什么吗? 这是否包括待过期和先前已过期但尚未驱逐的密钥?



  task count_tmp_keys: :environment do
    redis = Redis.new(timeout: 100)
    keys = redis.keys '*'
    ct_expiring = 0

    keys.each do |k|
      ttl = redis.ttl(k)
      if ttl > 0
        ct_expiring += 1
        puts "Expiring: #{k}; ttl is #{ttl}; total: #{ct_expiring}"

    puts "Total expiring: #{ct_expiring}"
    puts "Done at #{Time.now}"



因为224098比78大得多,我很困惑。 有没有更好的方法让我获得所有225k到期密钥的列表?

另外,我的平均ttl是0怎么样? 你不期望它是非零的吗?



重新编写:在笔记本电脑上本地设置两个redis进程。 让一个成为另一个的奴隶。 在从属进程上,设置以下内容:

config set slave-serve-stale-data yes
config set slave-read-only no


set foo 1
expire foo 10



When I run the info command in redis-cli against a redis 3.2.4 server, it shows me this for expires:


However, when I then run a keys * command and ask for the ttl for each key, and only print out keys with a ttl > 0, I only see a couple hundred.

I thought that the expires is a count of the number of expiring keys but I am not even within an order of magnitude of this number.

Can someone clarify exactly what expires is meant to convey? Does this include both to-be-expired and previously expired but not yet evicted keys?


Here is how I counted the number of keys expiring:

  task count_tmp_keys: :environment do
    redis = Redis.new(timeout: 100)
    keys = redis.keys '*'
    ct_expiring = 0

    keys.each do |k|
      ttl = redis.ttl(k)
      if ttl > 0
        ct_expiring += 1
        puts "Expiring: #{k}; ttl is #{ttl}; total: #{ct_expiring}"

    puts "Total expiring: #{ct_expiring}"
    puts "Done at #{Time.now}"

When I ran this script it shows I have a total expiring of 78

When I run info, it says db0:keys=10237963,expires=224098,avg_ttl=0

Because 224098 is so much larger than 78, I am very confused. Is there perhaps a better way for me to obtain a list of all 225k expiring keys?

Also, how is it that my average ttl is 0? Wouldn't you expect it to be nonzero?


I have new information and a simple, 100% repro of this situation locally!

To repro: setup two redis processes locally on your laptop. Make one a slave of the other. On the slave process, set the following:

config set slave-serve-stale-data yes
config set slave-read-only no

Now, connect to the slave (not the master) and run:

set foo 1
expire foo 10

After 10 seconds, you will no longer be able to access foo, but info command will still show that you have 1 key expiring with an average ttl of 0.

Can someone explain this behavior?

2023-06-13 21:06


您可以平均使用COALESCE - 换句话说,如果在您的平均查询中找不到结果,您将改为显示0.00而不是NULL,因为COALESCE将转换为第一个非null参数。


SELECT c.carID, c.description, c.model, cy.name, ct.description,
           COALESCE(l.avgLikes,'0.00') AS 'avglikes'
    FROM Cars c 
    INNER JOIN Country cy ON c.countryID = cy.countryID  AND cy.name = "Germany" 
    INNER JOIN CarType ct ON c.carTypeID = ct.carTypeID 
         (SELECT l.carId, AVG(Likes) as avgLikes
          FROM Likes l
          GROUP BY l.CarId
         ) l
         ON c.carID = l.carID 


You could use a COALESCE on average likes - in other words, if no results are found in your average query, you will instead show 0.00 instead of NULL, as COALESCE will translate to the first non-null parameter.

I copied your database locally and tested with all country strings and got the expected output using:

SELECT c.carID, c.description, c.model, cy.name, ct.description,
           COALESCE(l.avgLikes,'0.00') AS 'avglikes'
    FROM Cars c 
    INNER JOIN Country cy ON c.countryID = cy.countryID  AND cy.name = "Germany" 
    INNER JOIN CarType ct ON c.carTypeID = ct.carTypeID 
         (SELECT l.carId, AVG(Likes) as avgLikes
          FROM Likes l
          GROUP BY l.CarId
         ) l
         ON c.carID = l.carID 

Simple, but hopefully successful solution for you.



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