将Sprite alpha颜色分量设置为值<1会对性能产生影响吗?(Does setting Sprite alpha color component to a value < 1 have a performance impact?)

我一直认为使用透明精灵会对性能产生影响,但在Unity中使用透支场景模式,如果我使用不透明精灵或alpha <1的精灵,我会看到有相同的重绘。


I always thought that using transparent sprites will have performance impact, but using overdraw scene mode in Unity, I see that there is the same overdraw if I use an opaque sprite, or a sprite with alpha < 1.

Am I wrong?

2022-03-10 08:03


    IF(chat.from_user=3, to_user
        , IF(chat.to_user=3, form_user, 0)) AS username,
    FROM chat 
    LEFT JOIN user fr_user ON chat.from_user = user.user_id
    LEFT JOIN user to_user ON chat.to_user = user.user_id -- since you only want to show the TO_USERNAME, you can remove above line
        WHERE (chat.from_user = 3 OR chat.to_user = 3) and chat.chat_id 
    (SELECT distinct (MAX(chat.chat_id) )
        FROM chat GROUP BY chat_group_id);

    IF(chat.from_user=3, to_user
        , IF(chat.to_user=3, form_user, 0)) AS username,
    FROM chat 
    LEFT JOIN user fr_user ON chat.from_user = user.user_id
    LEFT JOIN user to_user ON chat.to_user = user.user_id -- since you only want to show the TO_USERNAME, you can remove above line
        WHERE (chat.from_user = 3 OR chat.to_user = 3) and chat.chat_id 
    (SELECT distinct (MAX(chat.chat_id) )
        FROM chat GROUP BY chat_group_id);



sql选择重复记录一次(sql select duplicate records once)

GROUP BY id; 在你的mysql语句中 虽然我不确定为什么你的数据库中有重复的ID - 应该补救。 GROUP BY id; in your mysql statement Although I am not sure why you have duplicate IDs in your database -- that should be remedied.

根据条件加入不同的表[重复](JOIN different tables depending on condition [duplicate])

您需要使用2个不同的查询并执行UNION ALL : -- Get teams SELECT dcp.*, dt.name FROM data_chats_parties dcp INNER JOIN data_teams dt ON dt.id = dt.team WHERE dcp.member <> 1 AND dcp.team <> 0 UNION ALL -- Get members SELECT dcp.*, dt.name FROM dat...

SQL根据重复记录选择最新记录(SQL Select Newest Records based on Duplicate Records)

我想这就是你所追求的: SELECT e.merchant, e.price, e.url, m.merchant_logo, m.merchant_name, e.eventname FROM wp_events e INNER JOIN wp_merchants m ON e.merchant = m.merchant_name AND e.uploaddate = (SELECT MAX(uploaddate) FROM wp_events WHERE merchant = e.merch...

如何使用OR条件使用2个没有重复记录的连接表来选择sql数据(How to select sql data by using 2 join tables with OR condition without duplicate records)

SELECT IF(chat.from_user=3, to_user , IF(chat.to_user=3, form_user, 0)) AS username, chat.from_user,chat.to_user,chat.message,chat.date_created FROM chat LEFT JOIN user fr_user ON chat.from_user = user.user_id LEFT JOIN ...

SELECT语句在SQL Server中的多个连接表上没有重复行(SELECT Statement without duplicate rows on the multiple join tables in SQL Server)

你可以尝试这样的事情: select * from ( SELECT A.val1,A.val2, B.val1, B.val2, B.val3, C.val1, C.val2 , row_number() over ( partition by b.val3 order by A.val1, A.val2, B.val1, B.val2, C.v...

查询根据SQL中两个表的条件组合来自2个表的数据(Query to combine data from 2 tables based on a condition for both the tables in SQL)

这只是一个例子,您的条件可能会有所不同 SELECT -- common data COALESCE(emp.profile_id, pi.profile_id) as profile_id ,COALESCE(emp.LST_UPDT_TS, pi.LST_UPDT_TS) as LST_UPDT_TS -- emp role ,emp.emp_id as EmpId -- profile , pi...

SQL语句选择出现2次以上的重复记录(SQL Statement to select duplicate records appearing more than 2 times)

SELECT t.rid , t.id , t.sku , t.name FROM test t JOIN ( SELECT s.sku FROM test s GROUP BY s.sku HAVING COUNT(1) > 1 ) d ON d.sku = t.sku 内联视图别名为d返回表中多次出现的sku值。 我们可以将该查询的结果加入到表中,以获得所有匹配sku的...

Sql重复记录查询(Sql duplicate record query)

您可以按生日分组并查看多次出现的所有生日: SELECT count(1) as frequency, dob FROM students GROUP BY dob HAVING frequency > 1; You can group by birthdays and look at all the birthdays that occur more than once: SELECT count(1) as frequency, dob FROM students GROUP BY dob ...

SQL删除重复记录[重复](SQL Remove Duplicate Records [duplicate])

在SQL-Server中,您可以执行以下操作: select case when rn > 1 then '' else [Table] end as [Table], [column], [data type] from( select [column], [type], row_number() over(partition by [Table] order by [Table]) rn fro...

加入三个表,导致重复记录(JOIN three tables resulting in duplicate records)

从多个表聚合时,然后在加入之前聚合: SELECT l.*, i._items, lt.taxonomy FROM lists l JOIN ( select list_id, json_agg(list_taxonomies.* order by type) AS taxonomy from list_taxonomies group by list_id ) lt ON lt.list_id = l.id JOIN ( select list_id, j...



Becoming a data scientist

Data Week: Becoming a data scientist Data Pointed, ...

Apache Hadoop 2.0 Alpha 发布

Apache Hadoop 2.0 今天发布了首个 alpha 版本,该版本还不能用于生产环节,还有一 ...

[转]So You Want To Be A Producer

pro-du-cer n. 1. Someone from a game publisher who ...

Supra Skytop Shoes All White Gunny are a top performance

The Skytop “Crimson” is an all white leather affair ...

Apache Hadoop 2.0 Alpha2 发布

Apache Hadoop 今天发布了 2.0 的第二个 Alpha 版本,版本号 2.0.2。该版本 ...


操作系统:CentOS 1.安装JDK、Maven并设置环境变量 a) JDK安装配置过程省略 b) ...

Hadoop 2.0.0-alpha尝鲜安装和Hello world

仅供测试学习的文章,不推荐在生产环境使用 Hadoop 2.0,因为2.0采用YARN,hive ...


abs(x) 说明:abs(x)返回x的绝对值,如果参数是复数,则返回复数的模; 参数x:整 ...


Solr学习笔记之5、Component(组件)与Handler(处理器)学习 一、搜索篇 拼写检查( ...

Spark - A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing

http://spark-project.org/ 项目首页 http://shark.cs.berk ...



获取MVC 4使用的DisplayMode后缀(Get the DisplayMode Suffix being used by MVC 4)

我用Google搜索了一个解决方案。 “EnumDisplayModeProvider”是我自己设置网站的各种模式的枚举。 public EnumDisplayModeProvider GetDisplayModeId() { foreach (var mode in DisplayModeProvider.Instance.Modes) if (mode.CanHandleContext(HttpContext)) {

如何通过引用返回对象?(How is returning an object by reference possible?)

这相对简单:在类的构造函数中,您可以分配内存,例如使用new 。 如果你制作一个对象的副本,你不是每次都分配新的内存,而是只复制指向原始内存块的指针,同时递增一个也存储在内存中的引用计数器,使得每个副本都是对象可以访问它。 如果引用计数降至零,则销毁对象将减少引用计数并仅释放分配的内存。 您只需要一个自定义复制构造函数和赋值运算符。 这基本上是共享指针的工作方式。 This is relatively easy: In the class' constructor, you allocate m

矩阵如何存储在内存中?(How are matrices stored in memory?)

正如它在“熵编码”中所说的那样,使用Z字形图案,与RLE一起使用,在许多情况下,RLE已经减小了尺寸。 但是,据我所知,DCT本身并没有给出稀疏矩阵。 但它通常会增强矩阵的熵。 这是compressen变得有损的点:输入矩阵用DCT传输,然后量化量化然后使用霍夫曼编码。 As it says in "Entropy coding" a zig-zag pattern is used, together with RLE which will already reduce size for man

每个请求的Java新会话?(Java New Session For Each Request?)

你是如何进行重定向的? 您是否事先调用了HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL()? 在这里阅读javadoc 您可以使用它像response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(path)); The issue was with the path in the JSESSIONID cookie. I still can't figure out why it was being set to the tomca

css:浮动div中重叠的标题h1(css: overlapping headlines h1 in floated divs)

我认为word-break ,如果你想在一个单词中打破行,你可以指定它,这样做可以解决问题: .column { word-break:break-all; } jsFiddle演示。 您可以在此处阅读有关word-break属性的更多信息。 I think word-break, with which you can specify if you want to break line within a word, will do the trick: .column { word-break

无论图像如何,Caffe预测同一类(Caffe predicts same class regardless of image)

我认为您忘记在分类时间内缩放输入图像,如train_test.prototxt文件的第11行所示。 您可能应该在C ++代码中的某个位置乘以该因子,或者使用Caffe图层来缩放输入(请查看ELTWISE或POWER图层)。 编辑: 在评论中进行了一次对话之后,结果发现在classification.cpp文件中错误地删除了图像均值,而在原始训练/测试管道中没有减去图像均值。 I think you have forgotten to scale the input image during cl

xcode语法颜色编码解释?(xcode syntax color coding explained?)

转到: Xcode => Preferences => Fonts & Colors 您将看到每个语法高亮颜色旁边都有一个简短的解释。 Go to: Xcode => Preferences => Fonts & Colors You'll see that each syntax highlighting colour has a brief explanation next to it.

在Access 2010 Runtime中使用Office 2000校对工具(Use Office 2000 proofing tools in Access 2010 Runtime)

你考虑过第三方拼写检查吗? 您可以将在C#中开发的自定义WinForms控件插入访问数据库吗? VB6控件怎么样? 如果你能找到一个使用第三方库进行拼写检查的控件,那可能会有效。 Have you considered a third party spell checker? Can you insert a custom WinForms controls developed in C# into an access database? What about a VB6 control? If

从单独的Web主机将图像传输到服务器上(Getting images onto server from separate web host)

我有同样的问题,因为我在远程服务器上有两个图像,我需要在每天的预定义时间复制到我的本地服务器,这是我能够提出的代码... try { if(@copy('url/to/source/image.ext', 'local/absolute/path/on/server/' . date("d-m-Y") . ".gif")) { } else { $errors = error_get_last(); throw new Exception($err

从旧版本复制文件并保留它们(旧/新版本)(Copy a file from old revision and keep both of them (old / new revision))

我不确定我完全明白你在说什么。 你能编辑你的帖子并包含你正在做的Subversion命令/操作的特定顺序吗? 最好使用命令行svn客户端,以便容易为其他人重现问题。 如果您只是想获取文件的旧副本(即使该文件不再存在),您可以使用如下命令: svn copy ${repo}/trunk/moduleA/file1@${rev} ${repo}/trunk/moduleB/file1 其中${repo}是您的存储库的URL, ${rev}是您想要的文件的版本。 这将恢复该文件的旧版本,包括最高版本