使用StackExchange.Redis连接到redis失败后,事务无法正常工作(Transaction not working after unsuccessful connection to redis using StackExchange.Redis)

我不确定,这是一个错误还是我做错了什么。 代码如下:

        using StackExchange.Redis;

        ConnectionMultiplexer conn = null;
        while (conn == null);
                conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost:6379");
            catch (Exception)
                conn = null;

        var db = conn.GetDatabase();
        var transaction = db.CreateTransaction();

        var tasks = new List<Task>();
        tasks.Add(transaction.HashSetAsync("key", "field", "value"));
        if (transaction.Execute())

当我使用启动redis(Windows版本 - 2.6,2.8.17,2.8.19)运行它时,一切正常。 如果我在循环的几个循环之后启动redis,要么它不会跳转到if语句,要么跳转并在WaitAll()上被阻塞。 如果我尝试检查redis中的值,则会存储它们。

当我们启动服务器并忘记启动redis时会发生这种情况。 在推迟redis的开始后,它会被卡住。 使用批处理而不是事务时会出现同样的问题。

我与多路复用器连接错误还是错误? (我发现很少看起来很相似,但我不确定)

I'm not sure, whether it is a bug or I'm doing something wrong. Here is the code:

        using StackExchange.Redis;

        ConnectionMultiplexer conn = null;
        while (conn == null);
                conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost:6379");
            catch (Exception)
                conn = null;

        var db = conn.GetDatabase();
        var transaction = db.CreateTransaction();

        var tasks = new List<Task>();
        tasks.Add(transaction.HashSetAsync("key", "field", "value"));
        if (transaction.Execute())

When I run it with started redis (windows version - 2.6, 2.8.17, 2.8.19), everything works fine. If I start redis after few loops of the cycle, either it doesn't jump into if-statement or it jumps and get blocked on WaitAll(). If I try to check values in redis, they are stored.

This situation happens when we start server and forget to start redis. After postpone start of redis it gets stuck. The same problem appears when using batch instead of transaction.

Am I doing connection to multiplexer wrong or is it bug? (I found few that looked similar but I'm not sure)

2022-05-08 14:05



您可以谷歌“使用光线投射进行体积可视化”,这应该可以为您提供所需的大部分内容。 NVidia通过3D纹理有一个很好的样本(使用openg)射线投射。






片段着色器:3)使用插值位置减去摄像机位置来获得遍历音量的矢量。 4)使用while循环从立方体上的点穿过另一侧的音量。 有3种方法可以知道何时结束。 A)在每个步骤测试该点是否仍在立方体中。 B)与立方体进行光线交叉并计算交叉点之间的距离。 C)使用正面剔除对立方体进行预渲染,并将深度存储到第二个纹理贴图中,然后在屏幕像素处进行采样以获得距离。


I would try a volume ray caster first.

You can google "Volume Visualization With Ray Casting" and that should give you most of what you need. NVidia has a great sample (using openg) of ray casting through a 3D texture.

On your specific implementation, you would just need to keep stepping through the volume accumlating the temperature until you reach the wanted density.

If your volume doesn't fit in video memory, you can do the ray casting in pieces and then do a composition step.

A quick description of ray casting:

CPU: 1) Render a six sided cube in world space as the drawing primitive make sure to use depth culling.

Vertex shader: 2) In the vertex shader store off the world position of the vertices (this will interpolate per fragmet)

Fragment shader: 3) Use the interpolated position minus the camera position to get the vector of traversal through the volume. 4) Use a while loop to step through the volume from the point on the cube through the other side. 3 ways to know when to end. A) at each step test if the point is still in the cube. B) do a ray intersection with cube and calculate the distance between the intersections. C) do a prerender of the cube with forward face culling and store the depths into a second texture map then just sampe at the screen pixel to get the distance.

5) accumulate while you loop and set the pixel color.



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我会首先尝试一个体积射线施法者。 您可以谷歌“使用光线投射进行体积可视化”,这应该可以为您提供所需的大部分内容。 NVidia通过3D纹理有一个很好的样本(使用openg)射线投射。 根据您的具体实施,您只需要逐步调整累积温度的体积,直到达到所需的密度。 如果您的音量不适合视频内存,您可以分片进行光线投射,然后执行合成步骤。 光线投射的快速描述: CPU:1)在世界空间中渲染六边形立方体,因为绘图原始确保使用深度剔除。 顶点着色器:2)在顶点着色器中存储顶点的世界位置(这将按每个fragmet进行...

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