WebLogic Portal VCR与JSR-170存储库的IllegalMonitorStateException连接(WebLogic Portal VCR IllegalMonitorStateException connection to JSR-170 Repository)

我们最近从WebLogic Portal 9.2.3升级到10.3.5。 我们有一个通过Day Software JSR-170 VCR-JCR提供商连接的JackRabbit存储库。 这在9.2.3上完全正常,但在10.3.5我们尝试检索内容时会得到IllegalMonitorStateException。 我们在JackRabbit之上有自己的外观,它实现了JCR-170。 以下是来自服务器的调试:

[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2b70161: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <WLS Kernel>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2bf2311: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <WLS Kernel>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <anonymous>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository():801] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: no session found for repoName=indhold; need to connect
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository():821] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: connect write lock acquired for repoName=indhold
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connectToRepository():875] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: connecting to repositoryName= indhold
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepositoryClass():1503] invoking Class.forName(repoClassName)
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepository():1403] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: Ticket authentication error for: indhold java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$Sync.tryReleaseShared(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:363)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.releaseShared(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1317)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$ReadLock.unlock(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:745)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepositoryClass(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:1537)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepository(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:1327)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connectToRepository(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:893)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:832)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connect(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:1160)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryHelper.checkCapability(RepositoryHelper.java:759)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.CapabilityManagerImpl.checkRepositoryCapability(CapabilityManagerImpl.java:57)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.checkCapability(ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.java:80)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.verifyCapability(ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.java:54)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.NodeManagerImpl.getNode(NodeManagerImpl.java:432)
at dk.skat.portal.front.helper.ContentHelper.getNode(ContentHelper.java:1591)

似乎authenticationn失败了,但是如果我尝试在存储库中的登录方法中设置一个断点(我们的Facade,它不会执行任何身份验证挑战,只是包装JackRabbit,并且登录同一个用户 - “默认“ - 对于所有访问权限,我们永远不会被调用。 在“管理存储库”页面上设置用户名和密码似乎没有任何效果。 另一方面,如果我转到Portal管理控制台,并尝试管理或浏览存储库,一切正常,实际调用登录方法,服务器可以很好地连接到存储库。 这看起来很奇怪。 在cetain案例中(碰巧是随机发生的,我们可以让服务器突然进入存储库,但是在重新启动服务器时,它又会再次失败)。

我试图将存储库的用户名/密码设置为weblogic用户,但这似乎没有任何影响,我仍然得到错误。 此外,当我进入PAC并注销,关闭浏览器,重新打开浏览器或完全不同的浏览器时,PAC的输入似乎激活存储库以使其联机(尽管这不稳定或不需要)。

请指教,如果WebLogic中存在错误(似乎它试图解锁()ReadLock太多次,导致提到的异常 - 如果它在该异常上完全失败??,是否应该在之前检查锁定计数解锁?),或者如果你做错了什么? 我可以读到10.0.5的eclipse工具中存在一个关于这个错误的已知错误。


We have recently upgraded from WebLogic Portal 9.2.3 to 10.3.5. We have a JackRabbit repository connected through the Day Software JSR-170 VCR-JCR provider. This has all worked perfectly fine on 9.2.3, but on 10.3.5 we are getting a IllegalMonitorStateException when we try to retrieve content. We have out own facade on top of JackRabbit, that implements the JCR-170. Here is the debug out from the server:

[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2b70161: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <WLS Kernel>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2bf2311: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <WLS Kernel>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.initializeSessionState():1215] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: (re)initializing all repo sessions for username: <anonymous>
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository():801] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: no session found for repoName=indhold; need to connect
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository():821] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: connect write lock acquired for repoName=indhold
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connectToRepository():875] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: connecting to repositoryName= indhold
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepositoryClass():1503] invoking Class.forName(repoClassName)
[com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepository():1403] com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate@2fa5952: Ticket authentication error for: indhold java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$Sync.tryReleaseShared(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:363)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.releaseShared(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:1317)
at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock$ReadLock.unlock(ReentrantReadWriteLock.java:745)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepositoryClass(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:1537)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.getRepository(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:1327)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connectToRepository(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:893)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.ensureConnectedToRepository(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:832)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryManagerDelegate.connect(RepositoryManagerDelegate.java:1160)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.delegate.RepositoryHelper.checkCapability(RepositoryHelper.java:759)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.CapabilityManagerImpl.checkRepositoryCapability(CapabilityManagerImpl.java:57)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.checkCapability(ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.java:80)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.verifyCapability(ManagerImplCapabilityHelper.java:54)
at com.bea.content.federated.internal.NodeManagerImpl.getNode(NodeManagerImpl.java:432)
at dk.skat.portal.front.helper.ContentHelper.getNode(ContentHelper.java:1591)

It seems that authenticationn fails, but if I try to set a break-point in the login methods in the repository (our Facade, which doesn't do any authentication challenge, but just wraps JackRabbit, and logs in the same user - "default" - for all access), we are never getting called. Setting the username and password on the Manage Repositories page, doesn't seem to have any effect. If I on the other hand go to Portal Administration Console, and try to manage or browse the repository, everything works fine, and the login methods are actually called, and the server connects fine to the repository. This seems very strange. In cetain cases (that happens to happen randomly, we can get the server to all of a sudden get to the repository, but on restart of the server, it is again back to failing).

I've tried to set username/password for the repository to the weblogic user, but that doesn't seem to have any effect, I still get the error. Furthermore when I've been into the PAC, and logs out, closes the browser, reopen the browser or a completely different browser, the entering of PAC seems to activate the repository to become online (though this is not stable or desired).

Please advice, if there is a bug in WebLogic (it seems it tries to unlock() the ReadLock too many times, resulting in the mentioned exception - should it at all fail on that exception??, Should the lock-count be checked before unlocking?), or if w are doing anything wrong? I can read that there is a known bug in the eclipse tooling for 10.3.5 about exactly this error.

Furthermore, we didn't seem to have any trouble in 9.2.3, what changed in 10.3.5?

2023-10-29 20:10



In [184]: ['a','b','c'] + df.apply(lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0]).astype(str)
  col1 col2 col3
0   a0   b0   c0
1   a1   b1   c1
2   a2   b2   c2
3   a0   b0   c0
4   a2   b2   c1


import string

c = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[:len(df.columns)]
df1 = c + df.apply(lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0]).astype(str)
  col1 col2 col3
0   a0   b0   c0
1   a1   b1   c1
2   a2   b2   c2
3   a0   b0   c0
4   a2   b2   c1

I'd do it this way:

In [184]: ['a','b','c'] + df.apply(lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0]).astype(str)
  col1 col2 col3
0   a0   b0   c0
1   a1   b1   c1
2   a2   b2   c2
3   a0   b0   c0
4   a2   b2   c1

a bit more generic approach:

import string

c = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[:len(df.columns)]
df1 = c + df.apply(lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0]).astype(str)
  col1 col2 col3
0   a0   b0   c0
1   a1   b1   c1
2   a2   b2   c2
3   a0   b0   c0
4   a2   b2   c1



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您如何使用git diff文件,并将其应用于同一存储库的副本的本地分支?(How do you take a git diff file, and apply it to a local branch that is a copy of the same repository?)

将diff文件复制到存储库的根目录,然后执行以下操作: git apply yourcoworkers.diff 有关apply命令的更多信息, apply 见其手册页 。 顺便说一下:一个更好的方法是通过文件交换整个提交文件是发送者上的命令git format-patch ,然后在接收器上加上git am ,因为它也传送作者信息和提交信息。 如果修补程序应用程序失败,并且生成diff的提交实际上在您的备份中,则可以使用尝试在更改中合并的apply程序的-3选项。 它还适用于Unix管道,如下

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你是对的。 第一次输入后,换行符将保留在输入缓冲区中。 第一次读取后尝试插入: cin.ignore(); // to ignore the newline character 或者更好的是: //discards all input in the standard input stream up to and including the first newline. cin.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); 您必须为#inc

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