验证日期的开始和结束(validating dates start and end)





<input class="fromDate" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" data-val="true" data-val-required="[Required_DepartureDate] not found" id="DepartureDate" name="d" type="text" value="">
<input class="ToDate" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" id="ReturnDate" name="d" type="text" value="">


 /* global google */
, function ($, Modernizr) {

     * D picker - a wrapper around datepicker with a bit of feature detection
    $.fn.dPicker = function () {

        var htmlLang = $("html").attr("lang"),
            langObj = $.fn.datepicker.dates[htmlLang];

        if (langObj === undefined || langObj === null) {
            if(htmlLang.indexOf("-") > -1)
                htmlLang = htmlLang.substring(0, htmlLang.indexOf("-"));
                langObj = $.fn.datepicker.dates[htmlLang];

        // If the language still isn't found the look for one matching the first part of the lang string
        if (langObj === undefined || langObj === null && htmlLang.indexOf("-") === -1) {
            for (var key in $.fn.datepicker.dates) {
                if (key.indexOf(htmlLang) === 0) {
                    htmlLang = key;
                    langObj = $.fn.datepicker.dates[key];

        var fromDate = {
            format: "dd/mm/yyyy",
            startDate: '1',//min date set to today
            autoclose: true,
            todayHighlight: true,
            language: langObj === undefined || langObj === null ? "en" : htmlLang,
            orientation: langObj === undefined || langObj === null || !langObj.rtl ? "auto auto" : "auto right",
            clearBtn : true

        var toDate = {
            format: "dd/mm/yyyy",
            startDate: '1',//Set date x days from today
            maxDate: '+1y +1d',//max date x year + 1 day
            endDate: '+1y +1d',
            autoclose: true,
            todayHighlight: true,
            language: langObj === undefined || langObj === null ? "en" : htmlLang,
            orientation: langObj === undefined || langObj === null || !langObj.rtl ? "auto auto" : "auto right",
            clearBtn: true

        return this.each(function (i, el) {

            var $that = $('.fromDate');
            var $this = $('.ToDate');

            if (!Modernizr.touch || !Modernizr.inputtypes.date) {
                //if (Modernizr.inputtypes.date) {
                    // Only swap the input type to text because IE8 doesn't allow changing types (throws error)
                    // We do this so that the placeholder shows in browsers that support it
                    //$that.attr("type", "text");

                try {
                    $that.attr("type", "text");
                    $this.attr("type", "text");
                } catch (e) {

                // add localised date format from data attribute
                if ($that.data("date-format")) {
                    fromDate.format = $that.data("date-format");

                if ($this.data("date-format")) {
                    toDate.format = $this.data("date-format");

                // copy name attribute from $that.datepicker(dpOpts);
                // Insert hidden field & remove name attribute from textbox
                $that.after("<input name='" + $that.attr("name") + "' type='hidden'>")
                    .attr("name", "d")
                    .on("changeDate", function (e) {
                        $(this).next().val(e.format(0, "yyyy-mm-dd"));

                if ($that.val() !== "") {
                    $that.datepicker("setDate", new Date($that.val()));

                $this.after("<input name='" + $this.attr("name") + "' type='hidden'>")
                    .attr("name", "d")
                    .on("changeDate", function (e) {
                        $(this).next().val(e.format(0, "yyyy-mm-dd"));

                if ($this.val() !== "") {
                    $this.datepicker("setDate", new Date($this.val()));

                // re-run validation after changing name attribute, see http://stackoverflow.com/a/18063874/486434
                var $form = $that.closest("form");
                var $form2 = $this.closest("form");
                $form.data("validator", null);
                $form2.data("validator", null);
                // Re add validation with changes


    return $.fn.dPicker;

I am trying to validate my Departure and Return dates.

At the moment you can select any dates starting from today onwards.

what I need is the dates shown in the return date to disable any dates from showing or being selected before the start date.

my html

<input class="fromDate" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" data-val="true" data-val-required="[Required_DepartureDate] not found" id="DepartureDate" name="d" type="text" value="">
<input class="ToDate" data-date-format="dd/mm/yyyy" id="ReturnDate" name="d" type="text" value="">

my jquery

 /* global google */
, function ($, Modernizr) {

     * D picker - a wrapper around datepicker with a bit of feature detection
    $.fn.dPicker = function () {

        var htmlLang = $("html").attr("lang"),
            langObj = $.fn.datepicker.dates[htmlLang];

        if (langObj === undefined || langObj === null) {
            if(htmlLang.indexOf("-") > -1)
                htmlLang = htmlLang.substring(0, htmlLang.indexOf("-"));
                langObj = $.fn.datepicker.dates[htmlLang];

        // If the language still isn't found the look for one matching the first part of the lang string
        if (langObj === undefined || langObj === null && htmlLang.indexOf("-") === -1) {
            for (var key in $.fn.datepicker.dates) {
                if (key.indexOf(htmlLang) === 0) {
                    htmlLang = key;
                    langObj = $.fn.datepicker.dates[key];

        var fromDate = {
            format: "dd/mm/yyyy",
            startDate: '1',//min date set to today
            autoclose: true,
            todayHighlight: true,
            language: langObj === undefined || langObj === null ? "en" : htmlLang,
            orientation: langObj === undefined || langObj === null || !langObj.rtl ? "auto auto" : "auto right",
            clearBtn : true

        var toDate = {
            format: "dd/mm/yyyy",
            startDate: '1',//Set date x days from today
            maxDate: '+1y +1d',//max date x year + 1 day
            endDate: '+1y +1d',
            autoclose: true,
            todayHighlight: true,
            language: langObj === undefined || langObj === null ? "en" : htmlLang,
            orientation: langObj === undefined || langObj === null || !langObj.rtl ? "auto auto" : "auto right",
            clearBtn: true

        return this.each(function (i, el) {

            var $that = $('.fromDate');
            var $this = $('.ToDate');

            if (!Modernizr.touch || !Modernizr.inputtypes.date) {
                //if (Modernizr.inputtypes.date) {
                    // Only swap the input type to text because IE8 doesn't allow changing types (throws error)
                    // We do this so that the placeholder shows in browsers that support it
                    //$that.attr("type", "text");

                try {
                    $that.attr("type", "text");
                    $this.attr("type", "text");
                } catch (e) {

                // add localised date format from data attribute
                if ($that.data("date-format")) {
                    fromDate.format = $that.data("date-format");

                if ($this.data("date-format")) {
                    toDate.format = $this.data("date-format");

                // copy name attribute from $that.datepicker(dpOpts);
                // Insert hidden field & remove name attribute from textbox
                $that.after("<input name='" + $that.attr("name") + "' type='hidden'>")
                    .attr("name", "d")
                    .on("changeDate", function (e) {
                        $(this).next().val(e.format(0, "yyyy-mm-dd"));

                if ($that.val() !== "") {
                    $that.datepicker("setDate", new Date($that.val()));

                $this.after("<input name='" + $this.attr("name") + "' type='hidden'>")
                    .attr("name", "d")
                    .on("changeDate", function (e) {
                        $(this).next().val(e.format(0, "yyyy-mm-dd"));

                if ($this.val() !== "") {
                    $this.datepicker("setDate", new Date($this.val()));

                // re-run validation after changing name attribute, see http://stackoverflow.com/a/18063874/486434
                var $form = $that.closest("form");
                var $form2 = $this.closest("form");
                $form.data("validator", null);
                $form2.data("validator", null);
                // Re add validation with changes


    return $.fn.dPicker;

2021-04-18 16:04


K8只有64位执行单元,因此每128b指令被解码为2个m-ops。 此外,即使地址对齐, movups也比movaps更多。 (虽然根据Agner Fog的表格,它仍然与movaps每2周期吞吐量movaps 。)


这是SIMD必须做更多工作的情况之一,它实际上比标量慢。 虽然这个SSE2版本实际上可能比具有全宽矢量单位的CPU上的标量更好,例如K10或Merom。 (或更新)

当然,使用SSE4.1 pmaxsd / pminsd可以获得更好的结果。

K8 only has 64bit execution units, so every 128b instruction is decoded into 2 m-ops. Also, movups is more m-ops than movaps even when the address is aligned. (Although according to Agner Fog's tables, it still has the same one per 2 cycle throughput as movaps.)

If you used branches in the scalar version, and the min and max don't change often, then branch prediction can make it run quite fast.

This is one of those cases where SIMD has to do so much more work that it's actually slower than scalar. Although this SSE2 version might actually be better than scalar on CPUs with full-width vector units, like K10 or Merom. (or newer)

Of course, you'd get far better results with SSE4.1 pmaxsd/pminsd.



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K8只有64位执行单元,因此每128b指令被解码为2个m-ops。 此外,即使地址对齐, movups也比movaps更多。 (虽然根据Agner Fog的表格,它仍然与movaps每2周期吞吐量movaps 。) 如果您在标量版本中使用了分支,并且min和max不经常更改,则分支预测可以使其运行得非常快。 这是SIMD必须做更多工作的情况之一,它实际上比标量慢。 虽然这个SSE2版本实际上可能比具有全宽矢量单位的CPU上的标量更好,例如K10或Merom。 (或更新) 当然,使用SSE4.1 p...

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最小生成树具有编码顶点之间的所有路径的整洁属性,其最小化路径上最长边的长度。 对于Euclidean MST,您可以计算Delaunay三角剖分,然后运行您最喜欢的O(m log n)时间算法(在m = O(n)边的图上),总运行时间为O(n log n)。 或者,您可以使用具有良好常量的O(n ^ 2)-time算法运行具有天真优先级队列的Prim(特别是如果您利用SIMD)。 The minimum spanning tree has the neat property of encoding...

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找到最小值或最大值或最小值和最大值的复杂度始终为O(n) 。 如果阵列必须保持未排序,则无法改进。 使用您的原始方法 通过巧妙地结合搜索最小和最大值同时使用稍微改进的算法,您可以最终提高性能,如本文所述 。 然后,您将在每次最小/最大搜索时节省n / 2-2比较。 但这不会改变每次搜索的O(n)的数量级。 所以整体算法将保持在O(n²)。 替代尊重您的方法 另一种方法是使用指向未排序表中元素的阴影排序数据结构。 这里是基于标准向量和算法的实现: vector<int*> myshadow(n); ...



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您如何使用git diff文件,并将其应用于同一存储库的副本的本地分支?(How do you take a git diff file, and apply it to a local branch that is a copy of the same repository?)

将diff文件复制到存储库的根目录,然后执行以下操作: git apply yourcoworkers.diff 有关apply命令的更多信息, apply 见其手册页 。 顺便说一下:一个更好的方法是通过文件交换整个提交文件是发送者上的命令git format-patch ,然后在接收器上加上git am ,因为它也传送作者信息和提交信息。 如果修补程序应用程序失败,并且生成diff的提交实际上在您的备份中,则可以使用尝试在更改中合并的apply程序的-3选项。 它还适用于Unix管道,如下

将长浮点值剪切为2个小数点并复制到字符数组(Cut Long Float Value to 2 decimal points and copy to Character Array)

尝试将第二行更改为snprintf(buf1, sizeof buf1, "%.2f", balance1); 。 另外,为什么要声明用该特定表达式分配缓冲区的存储量? EDIT @LưuVĩnhPhúc在下面的评论中提到我的原始答案中的格式说明符将舍入而不是截断,因此根据如何在不使用C舍入的情况下截断小数,您可以执行以下操作: float balance = 200.56866; int tmp = balance1 * 100; float balance1 = tmp / 100.0; c

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要在生产服务器中调试这个,你可以临时放 error_reporting(E_ALL); 并查看有哪些其他错误阻止正确的重定向。 您还应该检查生产服务器发送的响应标头。 它是否具有“缓存”,是否需要重新验证标头等 to debug this in production server, you can temporary put error_reporting(E_ALL); and see what other errors are there that prevents the proper



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你是对的。 第一次输入后,换行符将保留在输入缓冲区中。 第一次读取后尝试插入: cin.ignore(); // to ignore the newline character 或者更好的是: //discards all input in the standard input stream up to and including the first newline. cin.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); 您必须为#inc

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优点是不注销会避免惹恼用户,以至于他们会想要杀死你:-)。 说真的,如果每次刷新页面时应用程序都会将我注销(或者在新选项卡中打开一个链接),我再也不会使用该应用程序了。 好吧,不要这样做。 确保身份验证令牌存储在刷新后的某个位置,即不在某些JS变量中,而是存储在cookie或本地存储中。 The advantage is that not logging off will avoid pissing off your users so much that they'll want to kill

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EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT '||field_val_temp ||' FROM tableb WHERE function_id = :func_val AND rec_key = :rec_key' INTO field_val USING 'STDCUSAC' , yu.rec_key; 和, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'UPDATE tablec SET field_val_'||i||' = :field_val' USI