如何根据位置接近度平均值(How to average values based on location proximity)

我有一个带有地理标记值(经度,纬度,值)的SQL表。 该表快速累积,有数千个条目。 因此,在表中查询某些区域中的值会返回非常大的数据集。



Long            lat           value
10.123001       53.567001      10
10.123002       53.567002      12
10.123003       53.567003      18
10.124003       53.568003      13

比方说我目前的位置是10.123004,53.567004。 如果我在查询附近的值,我会得到值为10,12,18和13的四个原始数据。如果数据集相对较小,则可以使用。 如果数据很大我想查询sql的舍入位置(10.123,53.567)并需要sql来返回类似的东西

Long            lat           value
10.123       53.567      10 (this is the average of 10, 12, and 18)
10.124       53.568      13

这可能吗? 我们如何根据位置平均大数据集?


I have an SQL table with geo-tagged values (Longitude, Latitude, value). The table is accumulated quickly and has thousands entries. Therefore, querying the table for values in some area return very large data-set.

I would like to know the way to average value with close location proximity to one value, here is an illustration:


Long            lat           value
10.123001       53.567001      10
10.123002       53.567002      12
10.123003       53.567003      18
10.124003       53.568003      13

lets say my current location is 10.123004, 53.567004. If I am querying for the values near by I will get the four raws with values 10, 12, 18, and 13. This works if the data-set is relatively small. If the data is large I would like to query sql for rounded location (10.123, 53.567) and need sql to return something like

Long            lat           value
10.123       53.567      10 (this is the average of 10, 12, and 18)
10.124       53.568      13

Is this possible? how we can average large data set based on locations?

Is sql database is the right choice in the first place?

2024-03-26 18:03


最后我可以使用我的苹果ID登录。 我从应用商店获得更新,所以我更新了软件(现在的版本是OS X El Capitan版本10.11.6)。 现在我可以登录了。 希望这对其他人有所帮助

Finally i am able to login using my apple id. I got update from app store so i have updated the software(Now version is OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 ). Now i am able to login. Hope this will help to others



Xcode 6 GM上传错误:在SoftwareAssets找不到与apple_id相关的软件(Xcode 6 GM Upload Error: No software found with apple_id at SoftwareAssets)

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使用Apple ID登录(Login with Apple ID)

虽然这是不可能的(我认为合法的方式)。 这不是我们正在谈论的社交网站,所以我认为Apple不会允许这样做。 如果你在这里问你的问题会更好: - Apple支持社区 希望你从那里得到一些帮助:).... Though this is not possible (the legal way I think). This is not a social networking site we are talking about, So I do not think Apple would allow th...

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那个苹果ID是下拉列表。 单击它后,您将能够选择第二个。 如果它没有显示其他人,您需要在帐户中添加新的苹果ID。 如果您使用了正确的软件包ID,证书和配置,它将自动选择apple id。 如果仍然没有,请转到查看帐户/帐户/添加Apple ID(+) 这也可以访问xcode / Preferences / Accounts。 That apple id is drop down list. Once you click it, you will be able to select second o...

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最后我可以使用我的苹果ID登录。 我从应用商店获得更新,所以我更新了软件(现在的版本是OS X El Capitan版本10.11.6)。 现在我可以登录了。 希望这对其他人有所帮助 Finally i am able to login using my apple id. I got update from app store so i have updated the software(Now version is OS X El Capitan version 10.11.6 ). Now ...




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